Luca Gagliardi

Luca Gagliardi

The future is purchased by the present. Samuel Johnson

I have been an Associate of LTA since 2024 and a member of the Firm since 2020.
I am mainly active in consulting and assistance in the field of corporate business planning and management consulting for Italian and international companies, with a focus on accounting, management control and domestic and international taxation issues.

Professional Experience

Before joining LTA, I did part of my professional practice at another well-known firm in Milan, gaining expertise in tax and administrative consulting and assistance for businesses.

Associations, seminars, media and other activities

I love to enrich myself with stimulating readings and dynamic travels that are always different. I draw inspiration from each new experience.

I am also passionate about sports; I have practiced athletics competitively and have been involved in calisthenics for several years.  Passion, constant desire to improve and willpower to pursue a goal are characteristics that distinguish my personality.


Bachelor’s degree in economics and business Legislation, from the Catholic University Del Sacro Cuore of Milan, obtained in 2019 with a mark of 110/110 cum laude.

Winner of the Prize in memory of Prof. Felice Martinelli for the best dissertation in “Professional Technique (Consulting and Crisis Management)” a.a. 2018/2019, entitled: “Concordato preventivo: il ruolo del Collegio sindacale”.

Member of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Milan.